A New Years Letter

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Tomorrow, you will wake up to a new year. And while it will be 2021, it will also just be another Friday. Another day. One that, just like every day before it, is open to both hardship and possibility; both recovery and opportunity; both grief and joy. 

And, just like every other day, you will still be you. 

I’ve never made New Years resolutions. Not ever. And that’s not because I view them as futile, and certainly not because I judge anyone who makes them. It’s just that, for my rebel personality, a specific timeframe in which to set goals or intentions is simply unfathomable. And I’m just not a planner or a goal-setter. 

If you enjoy making resolutions, then seize this day to do that! Some of us thrive on planning, journaling, and intention-setting. But I implore you to pass on the “new year new you” bullshit, because you are enough right now. 

And, naturally, I want to remind you that you are free to pass on the idea of resolutions if they don’t feel in alignment with who you are. Know that they are available to you any time of the year. The arbitrary Jan 1 date doesn’t have to mean something or dictate when or how you decide to pursue growth. You don’t have to be in a constant state of self-improvement — that’s a sociocultural myth.

True growth must be organic. True growth must come from a deep-rooted sense of your values. And any goal or intention that isn’t grounded in what you value will not come naturally to you, will eventually lose steam, and will lack a sense of true purpose. 

If not a goal, then what?

Write down your values. From your values, perhaps there is a mantra or theme that you can come back to throughout 2021.

If you do make a resolution this year, I hope it’s something full of compassion, curiosity, love, and kindness. I hope it’s with the intention of expansion. Please, please: don’t make this about shrinking yourself or changing yourself. You don’t need to change. There is no “NEW YOU”: There is every version of you that’s come before this. And every facet of those versions — the stumbles, the achievements, the pain, the happiness — is a part of who you are TODAY and who you are capable of becoming TOMORROW. Recognize each version of yourself. Love every version. And appreciate how far you’ve come, in spite of the struggles and because of the obstacles. You are here because of everything that’s come before this. And YOU have the power to continue to grow — to take another step closer to your truth, your values, your authentic self. Resolve to make the new year about that. Or, remember January 1st just happens to be another day, and not necessarily one that requires any more purpose or intention than today. Because you are enough right now.

Sending compassion, love, & strength. Today, tomorrow, and every day. 

xo, Abbie


You are more than your sport and nutrition


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